North Hero, VT 05474

Park Updates & Alerts
- Camping is no longer permitted at this park.
- Check for beach closures and latest swimwater test results for this location.
Go 6 miles southwest on U.S. 2, then 3 miles northeast on Town Road.


No staff are present in the park. A self-service metal box is located at the Contact Station to collect day use fees by donation.
Land for this 399-acre park was purchased in 1963. Nearly one-third of the land area lies below 100 feet in elevation. Lake Champlain fluctuates from about 95 to 101 feet above sea level, subjecting much of the park to seasonal inundation. The forest type in the floodplain area is uncommon in Vermont, found only around Lake Champlain. North Hero lakeside floodplain forest is noted for its size, relatively undisturbed condition, and the valuable wildlife habitat it provides.
Habitat improvement at North Hero has paid off. White-tailed deer are common. A variety of migratory waterfowl - mallards, blacks, wood ducks and more - nest in the wooded wetlands. Ruffed grouse and American woodcock find favorable conditions. Even fish - chain pickerel and northern pike - spawn and feed in the flooded areas. Map turtles, as well as other turtle species, nest along the beach. A section of the beach is roped off during nesting season so as to not disturb the turtles.
North Hero is a stop on the Lake Champlain Paddlers' Trail. For more information visit their website.